-UPDATED- Be sure to read the feedback in the comment section

Decency Act 1996

Hey read this Yolanda: The Communications Decency Act of 1996 shields website operators from liability for user-generated content, except for copyright materials like movies or music.


viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

Do you know these people? Do you want to say something to them? Go ahead express your self. Mr. Carlos Lenny & Mr. Alejandro Diaz

Dragonfly Adventures DMC. Picture was sent from one of our contributors. It was taking form Carlos Lenny's facebook page. We wonder who wants to be this #$@^% "friend"? facebook/carloslenny

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

Dragonfly Adventures: irresponsible or should I say Carlos Lenny irresponsible?

Carlos (The Loser) Lenny does it again! He forgot to buy the "malbetes" from a couple of these buses....and as you can imagine they kept on driving them with out any since of responsibility. Can you imagine if one of them had an accident with tourist on board. Yolanda don't you get tired of this imbecile?